Hungry for God: A Much Needed Voice

In her book, “Hungry for God,” Margaret Feinberg talks about the two different Greek words used for “time” in Scripture: Chronos and Kairos.

Chronos time relates to chronological time (think quantity). It expresses measurable units: seasons, dates, calendars, etc., while kairos time is often used to reference something deeper than the ticking of a clock that chronos time marks. Kairos time deals more with the quality of time. This gives the idea that time is more than measurement. It is something to be savored and experienced.

We often go about looking at time through the chronos lens–the ticking of a clock. When God speaks into our lives, however, the kairos interrupts the chronos. These moments often have the potential to reorient our lives, challenge our attitudes, and invite us to repentance. They steady our steps when the footing of life seems unstable, and they shine a light when the path grows dim in order to remind us that we are not alone, even when no other soul seems to understand.

We tend to watch the clock, wondering when God will speak. Instead, we should recognize that He is speaking right now, and we should be asking how He wants to talk to us. Feignberg states it this way, “Kairos moments are like a dinner bell for the spiritually starved. Recognizing these moments gets us to stop and listen, knowing God is about to rock our world.”

God’s speaking to us is not bound by chronos. The divine pace and timing are different from ours. As He does with Saul in Acts 9, God surprises us with His voice and presence. These kairos moments beckon us into a deeper relationship with God and stir up our hunger to know God.

Kairos moments remind us of how much we need God’s steady presence and guidance in our lives. We make decisions based on what we hear and know. If we’re not hearing from God and recognizing His presence, then we have to wonder what we’re basing our decisions on. Tossed to and fro by dozens of opportunities, ideas, dreams, and closed doors, we need to realize how much we need God to navigate the maze of everyday life.

About kristenguthrie

First and foremost, I am in love with my Savior and King, Jesus Christ. I am a student at Huntington University. I also work for Rose's Bouquets, a weddings-only florist in Ft. Wayne, which I absolutely love. I love weddings, and having a job centers around that passion of mine is the best! You can read wedding tips and experiences from planning my wedding on my other blog,
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